Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) section 203(g) provides that the “Secretary of State shall terminate the registration (petition) of any alien who fails to apply for an immigrant visa within one year” of notice of visa availability. Important Notice: Termination of Registration: If a visa is available and NVC has not yet contacted you, please let us know by using our Public Inquiry Form. Please note that while NVC attempts to contact all applicants when their visa number is available, you can also use the Department of State’s Visa Bulletin to check whether a visa is available for your petition. Priority dates are posted monthly on the Visa Bulletin, which provides up-to-date priority dates for cases NVC is processing. The date your petition was filed is called your priority date. For limited categories, the availability of immigrant visa numbers depends on the date your petition was filed and the number of others waiting for the same visa category. law also limits the number of visas available in certain categories by country. This means that even if USCIS approves an immigrant visa petition for you, you may not get an immigrant visa number immediately. United States law limits the number of immigrant visa numbers available each year in certain visa categories. Number of Visas Each Year is Limited in Some Categories