Make sure you have all the requirements mentioned, otherwise you will run into issues. The optional skin can be toggled by selecting the skin type and strength in the character maker. Remember you can use vanilla hairs with all girls so far given that you modify the bone cf_J_ScalpLength_S with ABMX’s advanced window, along with all the other bones in the included CustomBonesList.txt. Make sure your ABMX is 4.1 minimum, as it introduced position/rotation modifying for bones! I used it to fix her eyes rotations. HoneySelect DLC02 Included with All Updates, Patches and Extra Content. HoneySelect DLC01 Included with All Updates, Patches and Extra Content. HoneySelect Base Game Included with All Updates, Patches and Extra Content. To use Next Gen she doesn’t require you to set anything other than the Next Gen material now. HoneySelect + All DLC & Extra Content BACKUP - Version 1.20. She uses the vanilla head UV, so she can use vanilla makeup, face details, moles, etc. MOD Honey Select Wide Slider v0.8.3 SBX2.5e Uncensor IPA(Illusion Plugin Architecture) v3.4.1Plugin GG Mod 1.6.1 High Heels for Honey SelectMOD Plugin HSStudioNEOAddon 0.9. Qt mommy from FF13 wasted in a few minutes from being introduced. Remember to click on the image, it will open on a new tab, save them from there. Remember to open the original image and save as. don’t have next gen installed or don’t like the blue noise hair shader) I’m now adding these optionally here. After download, unblock the zip file, unzip inside Honey Select 2 - Libido game folder (ex: C:GamesHoneySelect2VRMOD), run SetupVR.bat to install/uninstall. Please check your email to download your updated card. Since some people get confused by the SSS cards (i.e. 10 ratings Genshin Impact Series for Honey Select 2 (2 ) / Ai Shoujo ) Updated to v1.3. Honey Select Mod Pack (2020) LATEST VERSION: Update:-New Coordinate-New Card-New Map-Plugin Update-New item-New Studio Neo Item. Head mods will require specific neck seam fixes for HS2, as the neck seam also changed from AI to HS2, that will eventually come in the form of an update.Please read the frequently asked questions page. It requires a specific release for HS2 since some things changed that made the AI mods not compatible with HS2. Check Hair Pack 02 if you haven’t in a while, there are.

Honestly Hair Pack 02 might still get one more entry, but only because it’ll be an added on version of the Starlene hairstyle. Here’s the first entry of this new hair pack, Angel hair. Password: cUjNYcdBJJ4dr78Y Additional Comments: Posted on 7 October, 2018 11 Comments Posted in Hair, Honey Select. Load any of the included cards wherever you want.

Install:ĭrop the contents of the 7z into your HS2 install folder. If you want SSS: See this guide if you don’t know what to do with SSS textures.

Please read the frequently asked questions page.